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Artificial beings that permeate The Shatter, Constructs are the decayed servants of a fallen civilization.

They oppose the Doorguy, and are the primary body of enemies fought over the course of GTTOD.


From the lowly Drudge to the skeletal Razor, the tactical Raptor to the hulking Mammoth, the constructs of The Shatter fall into many different archetypes, and can be both sophisticated and brutal.

Their origins are presently unknown, though it can be hypothesized that before the event that created The Shatter, they served a number of roles within society - presumably security ones, at that. The sophistication of their weaponry and tactics in archetypes such as the Infantry or shield-bearing Raptors lend credence to the theory that perhaps they are among the 'purer' strains of construct encountered, bearing less feral or corrupt characteristics.

Constructs such as the Bruiser seem to be higher in the hierarchy, owing to their increased size, complexity, and power overall, and the appearance of the Drudges implies that perhaps amongst Constructs that there are attempts to control and subjugate the 'lesser' or more feral strains. The Sentinels, however, seem to be at the apex of whatever hierarchy existed before or after the fall.

Similarities between strains implies many Constructs perhaps share a common ancestor, so to speak - that perhaps Kamikaze are the missing link between the Infantry and the Razor, or that the mammoth is an obscenely oversized mutant of a Raptor.

The granular details behind the formation, purpose, and culture of the Constructs is otherwise unclear and naught but speculation.

Known Types


  • The Construct roster has evolved, grown, shrunk, and changed many times over the development of the game.
