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An armless ant-faced thing on spindly legs, the Strider is an odd construct that engages at range.


Far calmer than the Kamikaze and with greater reach to boot, the Strider initially appears to be an animal of some relation to the Raptor, and of possibly equivalent status to the Drudge in the overall hierarchy of the constructs. Bearing long digitigrade legs, hooves, and spiny projections along the exposed back, one could be forgiven for thinking of it as a lesser Raptor in a similar vein to how Razors could be lesser Infantry, or how Kamikazes are the step between them.

However, the Strider bears more of a resemblance to an insectoid such as the Tick, with four eyes around a mandibled maw capable of spewing pain at range. Long legs balance the body, and spines not unlike the Raptor's jut from their back, swaying as it struts around. With four eyes, bug-like mandibles and a pair of black horns, the origin and purpose of this construct raise questions.

Questions such as:

Why is it bug-faced?

Why does it have four eyes?

Why does the mandible-thing shoot hot plasma death at you?

Questions whose answers are lost, perhaps, in the great void between the islands.

It enjoys a certain odd mobility, but lacks the volume of fire of the Infantry, the durability of the Imp, and squat appeal of the Drudge.


  • The strider was designed by Andrew.
