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Big, bulky, Vulcannon-toting Constructs made to blast away whatever the Drudge can't take, the Raptor can't stop, and what an Infantry squad failed to contain. Step aside, bits and bytes - it's time for the Chaingunner!


A towering archetype, the Chaingunner isn't necessarily as chunky as the Bruiser or raw as the Mammoth, but what they do have is the vulcannon - a plasma-spewing rotary gun that can make the pain go away, or at the very least - lay down plenty of hate, so long as you can lead the target.

Otherwise - they're like a Derek who drank some Orange Juice, took their vitamins, and lifted enough weights to wear more armor and bring a bigger gun. Now, whether they eat or drink anything isn't important - what is, however, is how to deal with them.

They might not float with angry leisure like the Bruiser, might not stomp with raw strength like the Mammoth, but they don't care. You can't blow off the arms and make them angry enough to explode, and you can't slip beneath 'em to hit them in the back. The best you can do with a Chaingunner is to apply brute force yourself, and maybe stagger it in the process.

To defeat the Chaingunner, shoot at it until it dies.


  • The original Tully had what amounted to a TV screen for a head, and floaty wing bits behind them.
  • The Vulcannon was originally meant to be called the Minicannon.
  • The portrait is a placeholder, though they use a head originally meant for the Bruiser.
