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Quite a devious and cunning archetype for as feral as they may look, the Imp revels in lurking on the periphery and slinging fire while your way.


Straight-back bipeds unlike the dimunitive Drudge, an Imp is both bigger and tougher than the Raptor yet behaves like a slower, nasty-clawed strider.

They are fully capable of shredding through shields and armor with their claws when their opponent gets sick and tired of the odd plasma fastball. More than that, their hulking talons and general armor coverage lends them a greater robustness in the face of getting shot.

Thus, the Imp will both pester you at range and have the health to keep doing it - meaning you either need to take them down in one solid hit, or whittle them down while you control the crowds around him.

For as much of a deviation as the Imp seems to be, it bears resemblance to the Drudge, the Raptor, and even the Mammoth. More than that, it appears more inclined to higher intelligence than any of them. One might then conclude that underneath it all, the Imp is a nerdy Raptor.

A nerdy Raptor that throws fireballs and has big, glowy claws.


  • The Imp originally ran on the Strider AI.
