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Protagonist of Get To The Orange Door, the Doorguy is you.


Wall-surfing, void-dashing, time-stopping, and gun-slinging, the Doorguy's true motivations are currently unclear. Is he in search of treasure? Fat stacks of cash? Is the next big score behind the Orange Door?

Whatever the goal is, he's the sixth known person to get trapped within The Shatter, hence the nickname 'Six'.

While Six specializes, simply put, in going fast, the towering monoliths and sprawling ruins of The Shatter put his practically superhuman movement powers to the test. What's more - Constructs are between Six and his door.

Mobile and armed, Six is generally well equipped to navigate The Shatter - far more, at least, than a plain old guy.

Another gun never hurts, though.

When defeated in combat, Six awakens upon the Catafalque of Rebirth.


  • Doorguy only existed as a pair of murder-mittens and shoes prior to the Excessively Late Update (October 2020).
  • While not seen in standard gameplay, Six does have a pair of shades on under his helmet.
  • Doorguy's background has changed a number of times in the course of development for GTTOD, ranging from being a virtual reality gamer to some sort of galactic treasure hunter.
  • The name "Number Six" is a reference to Noble Six, the player character from Halo Reach.
