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An armless fellow with an explosive temper, the Kamikaze is anything but harmless.

So long as you're too close, anyway.


Resembling a horrified wide-eyed Razor pulled from his VR headset, Kamikazes also bear resemblance to the Infantry - yet unlike either, they have no apparent arms, and seem to be in a volatile state of anger and barely-contained energy.

Exploding with a horrific howl, they perhaps represent a snapshot of decay - or perhaps, evolution - for the Constructs. An Infantry archetype breaking down into something lesser, or perhaps a Razor stopped short of becoming something more.

Whatever the case, they pop like a teen temper tantrum, and are just one of many hazards within The Shatter.


  • There are two known design iterations for the Kamikaze.
  • The skeletal head of the Kamikaze is inspired by Japanese Oni.
