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A colossal, weighty king of a feral construct, the Mammoth is big, smashy, and bears an armor-plated crown.


An absolute unit of a beast, the Mammoth is a hulking archetype with beefy claws and heavy hooves that seems to be what happens when a Raptor goes from lanky to tanky.

Clambering around with booming hoof-falls, the armored head-crest of the Mammoth and the similarly-shaped claws lend it an impressive resistance to being blasted by all manner of small arms, and the kind of strength that lugs it around is more than capable of making most armor as broken as The Shatter.

While it's unclear whether the gem-like spot upon the crest is an eye or a literal crown jewel, the surest way to put one down without heavy weapons would be to bullfight it, and put as much firepower into the well-toned behind of this smash-beast.

Once that's done, the trick will probably be doing the same thing to the partner, since trouble comes in twos and threes.

The question remains, though - what juice does he drink?


  • The Mammoth was designed by Krev, who likes to refer to it as 'the smashi'.
