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Large and in charge, the Bruiser is ready to shrug off the sass of small-arms fire and give you a plasma-based slap in the face.


Among the larger and more complex archetypes, the Bruiser seems to be a gestalt of lesser Constructs slaved to the will of the greater body. While the purpose of this remains unclear, as the original intent of many Constructs tends to be, the design of the Bruiser lends it something of a grumpy appearance, scornful of incoming fire.

Bearing some resemblance to the Chaingunner in the structure of the head, the Bruiser is otherwise rather different. A heavy torso upon a bladed hovering platform, the 'arms' of the Bruiser terminate in hefty cannons and claw-blades - things ultimately complex enough to warrant what seem to be the cores of lesser constructs, perhaps - or things outside the purview of the primary construct itself.

In any case, where the Bruiser is a floating judgemental tank overall, the arm units are a notable vulnerability of the construct, and if you disarm the Bruiser, they will destabilize and in essence explode.

In other words - the Bruiser's arms have minds of their own, and they're in some form load-bearing for the rest of the body.

It's quite possible that the Bruiser doesn't actually need those arms, but experiences such an extreme fury at being disarmed that it has a sheer heart attack, literally exploding in pure anger.


  • The Bruiser was Krev's first contribution to GTTOD in early 2020.
  • Krev's original codename for the Bruiser was: 'OPERATION CHUNGO'.
