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Not merely a flying head, but a flying head armed with dual plasmaguns, the Drone brings firepower to the skies between the voids.


Perhaps one of the more practical construct archetypes within The Shatter, the Drones levitate via vectoring discs bound to their 'shoulders', and lack any traditional body beyond that and their core crystal.

While capable of craning every facet of their frame any which way they desire, the Drone tends to more leisurely steer their whole body on target before opening up with a dual plasma volley. Where the Drudge and those like it are ground-bound and have to scurry about the stone and growth of the world, exhibiting varying levels of intelligence, it can be easy to take the Drone at face value and assume them to be far more mechanical.

However, while the leisurely steering of the Drone could be taken as simple, efficient programming, it can also be taken as the approach of something so lazy and relaxed that it's never had to bother trying to move around like the squabbling archetypes in the rubble.

It would certainly explain how easy it is to take a Drone off guard, and to send it flying with a good, solid smack - be it from a gunshot, a fist, or a good flying drop-kick.

Uniquely free and well armed, Drones are capable of doing plenty of damage, if you let 'em.

They're also incredibly easy to introduce to cold, hard ground, or to sweep away with a mean lead breeze.


  • The current head of the new Drone is one of the concepts designed originally for the Imp.
