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The Infantry - known also as Derek - are a staple of both The Shatter and GTTOD as a whole.


A very conventional archetype of Constructs, the Infantry come in a number of different flavors so to speak. Some wield plasma rifles, others wield sniper rifles - heavier ones tote more armor, and a number of them pack wing-like projections that perhaps aid them in flight along with munitions pouches. Standard Infantry, Snipers, and Heavy Infantry - all of them seem based upon the same frame.

It is unclear what purpose their horn serves.


  • Derek is as much a mascot of GTTOD as Doorguy, if not more.
  • Derek is perhaps the longest-running enemy in GTTOD's development.
  • Derek has gone through at least four design iterations.
  • The Derek model was once used for many enemies, including old shotgunners and Brutes. One version even wielded a katana!
  • Derek once had more humanlike legs, but shifted to a more animalistic digitigrade or hoof-like format upon the Excessively Late Update (October 2020).
  • Krev has a 3D-printed Derek head that glows in the dark about the size of a grapefruit.
