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Drudges are dimunitive Constructs that exist throughout The Shatter, standing shorter than even the Strider and little larger than Ticks. Typically armed with the Plasma Cannon, they're among the first to oppose the Doorguy, and engage at range.


Seemingly little higher than ticks or Seekers on the vague hierarchy of the Constructs, the Drudge is a squat archetype, and among the most common around. Hunched over in a perpetual crouch, they appear little more advanced than the Razor, arguably more feral, yet evidently retain enough function to be entrusted with sidearms.

Now, whether it's because they're smarter than Razors or merely still have their hands is unclear.

What does seem clear, however, is that they're a substantial deviation form the usual form, and perhaps are borderline feral in both body and mind. Perhaps kept in line by some means of enslavement, of note is the black, caged nature of their heart-crystal, or the shackle-like devices around their wrists.

Regardless - in the great numbers they spawn in, Drudges can put out a lot of fire. Individually, though, they only take a few hits.

Take out the little guy before he takes you out.


  • When viewed from the direct front, the spikes on the Drudge's back can be mistaken for very large horns, or ears.
  • The first design of the Drudge was created by Andrew, the second was created using parts created by Krev, and the third was made by Krev from scratch.
