Plasma Cannon

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Standard fare for the Drudge, the Plasma Cannon is dependable and accessible when the Grab-a-Gun fails you - or if you run out of ammo.


While not as fancy and hard hitting as the Heavy Pistol or long-in-the-tooth like the Revolver, the Plasma Cannon is also a weapon whose price of admission is a couple good punches and a yoink out of the air.

The catch is it overheats - and when it does overheat, the thing will flip open and spit out the heat-sink like it's a break-action shotgun. forcing you to slot another one in. Granted, those are plentiful, and with the heft of the gun it can look pretty fun to snap it back into action.

Drudges never seem to have this problem - but then again, maybe they aren't allowed to have fun.

Paced well, the Plasma Pistol will never overheat, and played right, the overheat will never be a problem.


  • Hot-swapping during the overheat cycle can shave off half of the overheat gauge immediately, making the Plasma Cannon a great combo weapon.
  • The mechanical bits of the Plasma Cannon were based in part on the real .44 Automag.
