Template:Flex icon link

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== Usage ==

{{Flex icon link|filename|page|link text|link suffix|iconsize=icon size|linksize=link size}}


  • The filename is the name of the image, not including the File: namespace prefix.
  • The page is the page to link to or a URL to an external page starting with http:// or https://.
  • The link text is alternate text to show in the link, rather than just showing the page name.
  • The link suffix is text to add to link text, whether page or link text is used. Most commonly, this is used to make link text the plural of a singular-form page name, similar to typing [[Example]]s, only in this case, Example would be the page and s would be the link suffix.
  • iconsize is optional and sets a custom size for the icon. It is either a single number of pixels defining both height and width, as in 128, or the width and height separated by an "x", as in 128x64. The specified width also becomes the minimum overall width.
  • linksize is optional and sets a custom overall width to be provided for both icon and text. It is a CSS value and can specified in many units, such as 128px, 8rem, etc.