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This is the the list of all the pistols currently present in GTTOD.



This is the standard pistol, it has a 15 ammo magazine, it's semi-automatic, and its secondary is rather useful, being a 3 round burst. It's recommended to not use this weapon too much, since it's rather mediocre, and it's adviced to try to get a better weapon as soon as possible.



It's a side grade of the normal pistol. It has less bullets than the pistol, but it does slightly more damage. The secondary fire is a small explosive shot that sticks to surfaces and enemies. While it's good to snipe with, it's not really good in close quarters, making this weapon rather mediocre, and not too useful.



It's a really good weapon, while being relatively low tier. It packs a big enough punch to kill almost all enemies. It's recommended to use it combined with the slow motion, since it can be really punishing for missing shots. If you ran out of slow motion, the secondary fire might help you, by quickly dumping the magazine.



It's a side grade of the Revolver, it is a faster weapon, but deals less damage than the Revolver. It has an 8 round magazine, with a faster reload than the revolver. It can be used both at close to mid ranges, making the gun more flexible, and more easy to use, unfortunately, with this added flexibility comes at the cost of a damage reduction. Unfortunately it doesn't have a secondary fire.



It's a joke weapon, it has unlimited ammo, and does barely any damage. It's really bad at all ranges, it has no alternate fire, and there are surely better, more fun option... seriously, it's a banana, honestly, what else do you need to know about it?