Older Versions

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So you want to experience the past of GTTOD. This is something that's frequently asked about since the game has received multiple overhauls throughout development, and each version played completely different up until the core gameplay loop was settled in The Excessively Late Update Part 2.

Here's what you need to do:

How to download an older version

To download an older version of the game, you have to go to this page: https://steamdb.info/depot/541201/manifests/ and choose the version (Manifest ID) you want to play. Once you have done that, go to the URL bar in your browser and enter: steam://nav/console. This will open up the console in Steam. In the console, type the following command: download_depot 541200 541201 <Your Manifest ID>. Once it is downloaded, the steam console will give you the location where it has downloaded the game. Now launch that .exe file, and you're good to go!

Disclaimer: Older versions are probably more buggy than what you may remember, since Steam can screw up older versions of games.

Note: Some of the manifest ids don't work and steam will say a message such as, "Depot download failed : Manifest not available"