Laser weapons

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Laser Pistol

Laser Pistol.png

It's a sidegrade of the normal pistol, having infinite ammo and ricocheting bullets, for slightly less damage. It's secondary is capable to one hit kill infantry and low hp enemies, but watch out, since while using the secondary fire you have got only one bullet, so it's preferrable to not miss your shots



It's one of the weapon that sticked around for a long time. It's primary fire shoots 4 lasers in a horizontal plane, while the secondary fire shoots the same 4 lasers but in a vertical plane. In both its firemodes, lasers can ricochet, doing (less) damage to other enemies. It's preferrable to use the first fire mode for up close or if you are against a lot of enemies, while the secondary is for focusing fire on a bigger target (like the brute).

Laser Repeater

Laser repeater.png

It's an action lever rifle that shoots either one or four lasers at once. The four lasers do not pu themselves like in the law, but they form a little square around the crosshair. It's to side with the revolver, to do a "sci-fi cowboy" loadout. It's action lever nature puts it in a more long range weapon, and its "partner", the revolver, being a long range pocket sniper, enhances its being a long range weapon.