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In-Game Questions

Q: How do I play?/I keep dying!

A: GTTOD is a very fast paced game, if you're not constantly moving you might aswell be a slice of white bread. Movement is a CORE component of this game, after all. That being said, try to loot the level as much as you can, shoot at containers, pickup keys and open Bunkers for upgrades and gear. If you find yourself dying repeatedly, you may need to refine your movement or prepare better next time with better gear. Time Stop can also be used to take a quick breather or dispatch of hordes.

Q: Where are the guns and equipment?

A: Guns, Equipment and Karma are located inside Bunkers, which need keys to open. You can find keys by looting levels for all their worth, anything yellow can be interacted with or shot to loot. An exception is the Grab-A-Gun, so if you're extremely unlucky with keys, you can try gambling your shards there.

Q: What are Jade Vines, and why do I keep getting them?

A: Jade Vines are the games currency for permanent upgrades to your character, such as getting more dashes, damage, equipment cooldown, etc. You'll find them either by looting or from Leyline Offerings, and you can use them in the hub by turning around and going to the big purple shrine.

Q: Where do I use Gear Cards and where do I find them?

A: Gear Cards are found in Card Packs, which are packs found randomly throughout runs. You open them by clicking on them in your inventory. They can then be used at the shop by the vendor, K8! You'll have to unlock her first though by progressing through the Aspects.

Q: Why are some of the enemies blue/purple/green?

A: Blue enemies are buffed, meaning they have more health and deal more damage. They spawn more commonly with higher threat level, or are manually buffed by a Shade. Purple enemies are friendly, meaning they fight for you. Green enemies are elites, similiar to blue buffed enemies, but with new moves, attacks and can inflict debuffs.

Q: How do I get to the dungeons, and what are they?

A: You can get the dungeons from either the back of the hubs dungeon portal, or the guaranteed one found in every Act 1 level for 1500 shards. The Ocular Sigil must be unlocked first to open the portal. Dungeons are arena-like areas that have better loot rewards at the cost of faster threat scaling, and must be fully completed to leave.

Q: How do I deal with certain enemy types?

A: Each enemy has a slightly different way of dispatching them, some notable highlights are:

  • Raptors require a punch or certain equipment to bust through their shield to deal damage to them.
  • Drakes require a fairly similar takeout to Raptors, though they shoot more frequently so be careful.
  • Mantis' can be singled out by running away, they're fast to chase you compared to other enemies.
  • Mammoths take double damage from behind, so either slide underneath or jump over to get behind them.
  • Golems can be disabled by shooting off their arms, so high single-target weapons work best against them.
  • Shades turn nearby enemies into buffed versions and heal them, they're high priority targets that should be taken out.
  • Cyclops' make a rising pitch sound when about to fire, get into cover or shoot them during their laser attack to stun them temporarily.

Q: I feel so slow...

A: GTTOD is not your average FPS. Ground speed is slow, but aerial speed is high. You want to spend as much time as possible in the air as opposed to the ground. Doing this keeps your momentum, makes you go faster, and will overall serve a more enjoyable experience. if you need to cross a stretch of land, use your slide to preserve your speed.

Q: Whats the goal?

A: To get to the orange door, which is found at the end of each level. However, there is currently no end to GTTOD, instead upon defeating The Legion Sentinel you can loop the run for however long you like.

Q: Why is it so buggy?

A: Keep in mind that currently GTTOD is an Early Access game, meaning that it's not finished. Bugs and quirks like these are ironed out with each patch, and if you think you found one you can report it to the GTTOD Discord Server (refer to Contacts).

Q: This wiki is great and all but I really wish someone made a comprehensive guide covering all of the game's systems, mechanics, tips, and tricks.

A: Good news! All the In-Game questions came directly from the incredible GTTOD Beginners Handbook, created by the sun is my son. Check it out!

Out-of-Game Questions

Q: Full Game Release?

A: Early Access is out now, but there's no time frame on full release. The next update, whenever it is ready, will be the game's full launch and end of Early Access.

Q: Console Release?

A: Not during Early Access, but multiple console ports are under development. Not sure which ones exactly will see the light of day.

Q: Multiplayer?

A: Probably not /:

Q: Where can I report bugs?

A: The #gttod-reports channel in the discord server is the best place to report bugs and issues so the developers and community can help you out.

Q: I have a great idea, how can I reach out to the developer?

A: Go on https://www.reddit.com/r/GTTOD/ or came to our discord server https://discord.com/invite/layersdeep and share your ideas!

Q: I have more questions, how am I supposed to get an answer?

A: Go on the discord server or on the subreddit, and write down your questions, there will probably be someone available to help you out!