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Dash.png Dash - Upgrade the amount of dashes up to a maximum of 4
InventorySlots.png Inventory Slots - Upgrade the amount of Weapon slots up to a maximum of 8
StartingShards.png Starting Shards - Upgrade the amount of Starting Shards up to a maximum of 500
Health.png Health - Upgrade your health up to a maximum of 50
Overshield.png Overshield - Upgrade your Overshield up to a maximum of 50
Shield.png Shield - Upgrade your Shield up to a maximum of 50
Damage.png Damage - Upgrade your overall Damage up to a maximum of 25%
ElementalDamage.png Elemental Damage - your overall Elemental Damage up to a maximum of 25%
CriticalHits.png Crit Chance - Upgrade your Critical Hit Chance to a maximum of 25%
LootLuck.png Loot Luck - Upgrade your overall Loot Luck up to a maximum of 25%
MeleeSpeed.png Melee Speed - Upgrade your Melee Speed up to a maximum of 25%
EquipmentSpeed.png Equipment Speed - Upgrade your Equipment Cooldown speed up to 25%
StartingLives.png Starting Lives - Upgrade your starting lives up to a maximum of 3
UltimateDrain.png Ultimate Drain - Upgrade your Ultimate Drain up to a maximum of -25%
UltimateRegen.png Ultimate Regen - Upgrade your Ultimate Regen up to a maximum of 25%
SoulCharge.png Soul Charge - Manually charge your mana
PhoenixRevival.png Phoenix Revival - Detonate when revived
DeathDefiance.png Death Defiance - Remain at 1 hp instead of dying